Building REAL VALUE in Montgomery

This week Mims Management Group was very proud to be recognized as an influence in the economic growth and development of Montgomery, AL—the home of our corporate headquarters.
MMG was mentioned in two related articles about Montgomery’s developing economy: Southern Business & Development listed Montgomery as one of ten cities in the South that are “shining examples of economic development” and cited “the headquarters of a national pharmaceutical service company”—MMG— as one of Montgomery’s major economic acquisitions of 2013. A follow-up article by WSFA 12 News listed by name MMG and the other organizations credited with contributing to Montgomery’s growing economic diversity.
We are very proud to be a part of the economic development of our hometown, and we look forward to many more years of development and growth alongside the city of Montgomery.
To read the full articles:
Southern Business & Development – “Ten More Shining Examples of Economic Development That’s Working in the South”
WSFA – “City of Montgomery Honored in Magazine Article”
Pictured: Mayor Todd Strange of Montgomery, Krystal Mims, Daniel Mims
Photo Credit: Michelle Consuegra